The European branch of International Consortium of Social Development ICSD has decided to instate a price in the memory of professor Harald Swedner, the first chairman in Europe for our organisation.
Harald Swedner was a pioneer in the field of social development in our part of the world. He was a brilliant scholar in sociology, and particularly emphasized the responsibility that scientific knowledge should be able to be put into practice. He was one of Europe’s leading researchers in social work. It was therefore also logical that he became Sweden’s first professor in social work. He was possibly the one in Europe that to the largest extent was engaged in a multitude of action research projects. The deeds of professor Harald Swedner was characterised by both with and depth. It was however primarily his impatience to fight social injustice, in our continent as well as globally, that was his prime motivating force and what made social development his pervading focus.
The European branch of ICSD annually presents The Harald Swedner award to a person, active in Europe and proceed in the spirit of Harald Swedner. This embrace a strong engagement for social development and that this has in many different respects been clearly manifested. The award winner will be selected by the board of ICSD-Europe. When making the selection the board will among other things take in consideration both efforts to change that has been made as well as the effort to spread knowledge regarding this. The nomination of presumptive award winners is reserved to members of ICSD-Europe and should be completed at the latest on the 31 of January of the year the award pertain to. Nomination should not only reflect on the efforts made during a particular year but rather on what the nominee has carried out during a longer period of time.
2008 | Wolfgang Müller |
2010 | David Macarov |
2012 | Silvia Staub-Bernasconi |
2014 | Sven Hessle |
Nominations are welcome. Please address them to Gordana Berc (University Zagreb) gordana.berc(+)